Easy Fairisle Knits - Knitionary

Easy Fairisle Knits

October 15, 2014

Hi!  I'm dashing off a quick little post to share a new book with you, Easy Fairisle Knits by Marin Storey.  I'm very excited about this because it brings fairisle to a less complicated level, so beginner and wannabe colorworkers like me can feel brave enough to have a go.  In the foreward, Martin, who loves fairisle and is responsible for creating some of the most gorgeous colorwork patterns, addresses beginners and says, "Lots of people love the look of fairisle patterns but assume it will be difficult to knit them. That is certainly true of some of the exquisite traditional fairisle sweaters with lots of colour changes, but even a novice knitter would not find the patterns in this book hard to knit for three reasons: firstly the designs I have included are generally small, secondly the majority have no shaping (which can be harder to work in fairisle) and thirdly they only employ two colours in a row, which is not hard to handle even for a novice knitter."

I'll add one thing to that, the patterns all use Rowan Felted Tweed DK which is a very easy yarn to knit with.  So, I feel brave enough, do you?  Which one would you make first?  

there's quite a few beautiful pillows, even more in the book

kitty kat stripes

this pattern would also be perfect for a pillow

a knitted knitting bag
hat and matching socks

I saved the best for last...appliqued fairisle trees on a quilty background.

And then there's this!  How much fun would this be for a knitter's Christmas!

adorable detail, the buttons at the top, sigh
Yep,  I think I would have to make this first.

Easy Fairisle Knits by Martin Storey is just out and should be available, if not already, at your local yarn shop or favorite online shop.  I found it at English Yarns and MCA Direct but know it will be widely available very soon.


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  1. He always has such great designs! I love the sofa cushion on the far right. And I'd also like a spaniel to go with my knitting!

  2. I also love that same sofa cushion, which probably means it is the most complicated. Isn't that always the way? Right now I am still working on simple stripes (thanks so much for that link which also includes the video for carrying yarn for stripes) so the cushion is a long ways away for me. I'd love to see others' versions on Ravelry though!


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