Tower of Rowan Yarn Giveaway #2 - Knitionary

Tower of Rowan Yarn Giveaway #2

February 04, 2014

Edited 2/11:  The contest is closed and the winner has been contacted.  Thank you to all who entered, I'll be having another giveaway soon!

In celebration of Knitionary's 2,000 Facebook likes I'm having another big tower of yarn giveaway.  And naturally it's all Rowan yarn!  Your readership has meant a lot to me and this is a small way for me to give back and say thank you.  One person will win the lot, so let me tell you what it is:

From the top down there is Wool Cotton, a 50/50 machine washable blend in DK weight.  I've used this (and all the others too) many times and love it.  Easily knit into an elegant fabric, but practical for children and baby knits.

Next is Silkystones in the color Grassland.  New this season, a chic 50/50 blend of silk and linen.  I'm knitting a pullover with this now and loving it.  It has pebbly appearance that knits up easily.

Kid Classic in classic black.  An all time favorite around here.  Simply elegant blend of lambswool and kid mohair.  My choice for worsted weight outerwear.

The 4th down is Felted Tweed DK, always a favorite of tweed lovers.  This is one of the easiest yarns to knit as it has so much bounce and spring.  This is a pretty Duck Egg Blue.  50% wool, 25% alpaca and 25% viscose, a knitter's dream.  I just finished a poncho in this.

Below that is Kidsilk Amore, the big sister to Kidsilk Haze and is a new mid-season offering.  Similar in composition but bulky weight with a lofty chainette construction that knits up easily and beautifully.  I just finished a poncho with this and had a skein leftover.

The last big purple ball is Tumble in a new color, Amethyst.  This is one of the rare yarns from Rowan I have not tried.  I am not a fan of super bulkies and so leave this to someone who will treasure it.  90% alpaca, 10% cotton.

The clever knitter could squeeze a hat or several boot cuffs or wristies from each of these, but really I just want to give you a chance to get your hands on these and try them out.  I know many of you don't live near a Rowan stockist and looking at them on the internet is quite different than having them in your hands!  I'm certain you will enjoy knitting with all of them.

To enter:  Be a follower of Knitionary, and leave a comment to tell me how you follow me.  It's always interesting to find out how my readers stay in contact, be it Ravelry, FB, Bloglovin', I know there's lots of ways to follow.  Make sure there is CONTACT info!  You can't win if I can't find you!  For a second chance to win please go to the Knitionary Facebook page, like it and leave a comment under the contest post.  I'll leave this open for a week, and pick a comment from either the blog or Facebook to win.  Good luck!  This is open to international readers too.

(so sorry, cannot keep up with horrible spam, added capcha to comment section. grrr)

Linked to Anything Blue Friday at The Dedicated House


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  1. I love following you on facebook. So many interesting little bits posted.

  2. Follow you on FB; love to read your posts.

  3. What a lovely tower! I follow by RSS feeds. You make me long for the home of my youth - California. Sure miss it.

  4. So glad I discovered you!!! Love your posts popping up in my feed. Glad to know about your blog, too!!

  5. I enjoy your posts and would like to try this yarn !

  6. Lovely yarns! I follow you on facebook!

  7. I follow you on Facebook, and am so pleased to have the chance to win some beautiful yarn! MaidMarrion on Ravelry

  8. I follow via Bloglovin as Maureen
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  9. I follow via Facebook and Bloglovin. Thanks!

  10. I follow you on Bloglovin. Thanks!

  11. Beautiful yarn! Great blog! Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. I love your blog, and the inspiration from all the lovely things you do! I follow you on facebook, but on ravelry as well. I love the beauty you cultivate in your life, it's so important to me to have beauty around me! :)

  13. The colors and textures of your yarns are so wonderful. To knit with them would be pure heaven.

  14. Rowan is just universally lovely. I follow you on FB, thanks for sharing your inspiration.

  15. Dear Kristen, I first found your blog via the Rowan website, and now have the shortcut app on my iPad for some knitting inspiration in the evenings. I also follow you on Facebook and sometimes ravelry.

  16. This is a continuation as things cut out. I am currently knitting Thelma in Angora Haze and have added some beads to the edges it is looking lovely. Would love some extra yarn to play with

  17. I follow you on FB. Love the posts. Following your links is a momentary sanity break in my day. Thanks!

  18. I love giveaways...especially Rowan yarns! These are gorgeous!

  19. I've been following your blog for many years and I just started following you on Facebook!
    Love that gorgeous tower of yarn! :-)

  20. I just started following you via e-mail. Lovely Blog!

  21. Great blog! Great yarns!

  22. I follow you on Facebook. Gorgeous tower of yarn, such luxurious goodness!

  23. I follow on Bloglovin! And I love it!

  24. I follow via email.
    tktl on Ravelry

  25. I follow via email... lesquenouilles
    Ohlalalaine on Ravelry

  26. Rowan yarns are to dye for! That Tumble yarn is beautiful in that colorway:-) I follow you on Facebook and Bloglovin.
    Thanks, LauraT
    lauratawney 7 at gmail dot com

  27. It woud be nice to have those lovely yarns! I follow you by Feedly and on Ravelry. My username on Ravelry is Lammas.

  28. I follow your page on FB and now by e-mail too. I love Rowan's yarn so much, that I do not dare to knit those. :D I only stroke those yarn balls.

  29. I follow your blog via email and on Ravelry (viola33)

  30. I am following by bloglovin - is a dedicated knitter!

  31. I follow you on bloglovin'. I very often knit the fabulous rowan yarns

  32. Follow on feedly and Facebook , ravelry pamelammgarcia

  33. I would sooooooo love to win that tower of yarn! :D

  34. I've just set up a Facebook group at work for those of use who knit (and do other crafts). I'm encouraging all of them to follow you on Facebook, and enter your fantastic giveaway!

  35. Fantastic giveaway - good luck with getting lots more followers

  36. Winning the new Rowan yarn is the max. Feeling, trying the yarn , can't wait....I'm following your blog because of the yarn info you give. It makes choosing the wright yarn easier !!

  37. I follow you on Facebook and via Bloglovin' and email! Love the blog. Love Rowan!
    lindarumsey on Ravelry

  38. I use Feedly on my phone and follow the blog that way.

  39. I love following you on Bloglovin' The things you knit are just beautiful.

  40. I would love to be able to try all of these yarns! I follow your blog, on Facebook and Ravelery.

  41. I follow you on Facebook. I would love to knit all this yarn, fabulous colours!
    linautena on ravelry

  42. I receive your blog vis e-mail. Congratulations on reaching 2,000 comments on FBI.


  43. those are some of the most beautiful color variations i've ever seen in yarns. wow.

  44. I follow you on bloglovin,my username is shroomfrog

  45. I follow you on facebook and receive daily e-mails from your blog.

  46. I love reading your Blog ... You remind me so much of my mother with the dinners/table tops and gardening and them me for all of your beautiful kntting!!! You can find me on Ravelry as Knittygal!

  47. I've like you on facebook and also have you listed in my blog list on the side of my blog.
    wahoomerryf on Rav

  48. I follow on FB and through email. I really enjoy taking a few minutes with a nice cup of hot tea and enjoying your latest post.

  49. I follow you on Facebook! Love your posts.

  50. Just added you to my bloglovin' roll and followed you on FB. I'm a long-time Rowan lover but as a sample knitter I sometimes have to knit vicariously through my Ambassadors!!

  51. I've just found you, but certainly will be following now, also following on facebook.

  52. Following you on FB and Rowan Yarns!
    karina @ aniradesigns dot com

  53. I just found you on Facebook. Looking forward to following you.

  54. I follow you on FB! Thanks for the chance to win!

  55. Thank you so much Kristen you are very generous ! =)
    I follow you on Fb, here and here
    I like to follow you cause we have very similar taste, and because I work for PB I always like to see what you do with PB things =)
    Love your recipes, Last weekend I gave my daughter the sweet potatoe recipe she loved it
    Thank you Kristen !

  56. sorry , I meant , follow you on FB, here and on Ravelry =)

  57. thanks for the chance to win this beautiful tower of yarn!

  58. I follow you on Facebook. Thanks for the contest!

  59. Follow you on Facebook and Raverly.....would love to try this yarn! Thanks!

  60. I follow you on pintrrst , Facebook & friended you on ravelry! Wormlynn@hotmail.com

  61. This looks like some great yarn. Congratulations to 2k+ followers on facebook!!

  62. I follow Your FB site- nice that You share so many nice free patterns and Rowan Yarns are one of my favorites.
    Kätlin (katlinkruusoja@gmail.com)

  63. That is the most gorgeous stack, pile, tower of yarn ever! It would be a treat to add a bit of Rowan to items I knit/crochet for charity. Simply beautiful! Thanks for offering such a gift.

    I follow you on Facebook and would love to hear from you (with the happy news) on my blog.

  64. Follow on FB. Always love to be inspired by knitters better than myself!! (kaylaf@gmail.com)

  65. I'm always down to try new yarn! I follow you on Bloglovin.

    Contact: http://woolendiversions.com

  66. Wow, look at all these great comments! I read your blog, but I am a fan of your free patterns on FB too. :-)

  67. Discovered you through my love knitting blogs. Rowan yarn is such a dream!

  68. I follow you on Facebook and just started following your blog. Any yarn lover is a friend of mine!

  69. Just found your blog via a friend's post on Facebook! Nice yarn!

  70. I'm new, but that yarn certainly caught my attention here and on Facebook..

  71. I follow you on FB. Thanks for the contest!
    You can find me on Ravelry as Sternengucker in case you have good news for me :)

  72. Kristen, I follow you on fb, ravelry, and bloglovin. I love the patterns you share and all of the pictures - especially your garden! One of my New Year's resolutions for this year has been to try Rowan yarn. I just recently purchased my first Rowan yarn - Rowan felted tweed in cinnamon. It came in the mail yesterday, and I cannot wait to get started knitting with it.

    I am warbler01 on Ravelry

  73. What a delight a free pile of total yumminess, many treats could be inspired by all that yarn, thanks for sharing all lovely patterns, I love your posts xxx :-)

  74. I follow you by email, I subscribed long time ago…

  75. Love your posts about yarn, pattern and nice things. I follow through Facebook. Calypso Hope

  76. I follow you on Facebook and Ravelry friends blogs - I love your posts

  77. I'm following you on Ravelry, and just liked your page on Facebook. I'm irishrust (Portland, OR) on Ravelry!

  78. How do I follow thee? Let me count the ways...

    Honestly, I first followed you on Ravelry, then through your blog, Knitionary, and now through Facebook. I guess that makes 3 ways.

  79. I looked up your FB page and loved it right away!! So many ideas and things that I want to knit!!!
    This giveaway is gorgeous. Hope I win :)
    PS. Now I'm going to ravelry to find you and add as my friend :)

  80. bloglovin as Kyla L and Ravelry as Dystini

  81. I have a very non-technical approach ... I have a number of favourite knitting blogs bookmarked and simply check them out when I feel like it. Didn't know about Bloglovin so I have signed up for it. Very pretty tower of yarn - thanks for offering it as a giveaway for some lucky person to try some great Rowan yarns.
    Rav ID: ajane

  82. Thank you for the opportunity to win some nice yarn! I follow you on Facebook, and I get email updates from your blog. Crossing my fingers!

  83. I can't remember where I first found you … hmmm, was it Ravelry or was it the blog? Where ever I'm thrilled to have had the pleasure of your acquaintance. No matter, I return almost daily to read more and more of what I didn't get to read before I first found your blog.

  84. I follow you by Facebook and mail :)

  85. Hi Kristen... this is my introduction to you through your Yarn Giveaway... I now follow you on FB, Pinterest, and Ravelry! I am samlilypepper on Ravelry, Looking forward to lots of blog reading now too... Sue

  86. I am an avid knitter. I love Rowan yarns and I love learning different knitting techniques so when I saw your post on facebook I just had to follow your blog! Happy Knitting!

  87. I follow you on FB- found your blog through this contest post~ Thank you!

  88. Finally got onto your blog. I follow FB and am on FeedDeamon, but your blog doesn't show up there. Love Rowan yarn and patterns.

  89. I read your blog and follow you via Facebook. Your posts are always inspiring!
    I've never tried Rowan yarn (I don't think we have any around here) so I hope to be the lucky winner. :D

  90. I follow you via g2reader...those colors are so pretty!

    Pam (twistedsistah@gmail.com)

  91. Just found you and looking forward to reading through your blog!!! Thanks

  92. You've got a new fan here! Liked your Facebook, you have a lot of neat work.

  93. I found out about you thru the knitting group on FB

  94. I used to check my toolbar bookmarks daily for your updates. Now it's Feedly!
    PJKnitsufos on Ravelry

  95. I follow via bloglovin



  96. Just found your blog, looking forward to updates! Love Rowan wool the quality and colours are amazing.

  97. Such gorgeous yarn! Im so glad I found this through the knitting fb group.

  98. I found you thru my daughter & I follow u on FB

  99. i follow you on facebook but now that i know you are on ravelry ill be looking for you there too! these are beautiful yarns, thank you for the opportunity to win!

  100. love the blog .. have my needles out again .... thanks

  101. Nice selection. I LOVE Rowan yarns.

  102. Follow you on bloglovin.Amazing giveaway,so generous of you.Thank you for the chance to win it.Have a lovely weekend.

  103. Love your blog, subscribe all posts, follow on raverly and like your facebook profile :) Beautiful yarns! And such a great idea to give one skein of each kind :D

  104. I am now following you on facebook and bloglovin'!
    Denise at knittygrittysavings.com

  105. Found you on Facebook, now I read your blog and enjoy it very much!
    Wish you a lot of inspiration and fun with your projects :)

  106. I love love your blog. I am a knitter and I am in a dinner club so I always try and recreate your style!!!!

  107. Ooooh love Rowan! And your blog! I follow through email. Is that bloglovin... i think so. I need to learn facebook better. Everytime i think i got it they change something. :/
    Thx for the chance!

  108. Thank you, Thank you! I see lots of hats!! Following you on FB & Ravelry--(coggiesmil). e-mail?! Going to check that out!

  109. I'm following via Twitter (HollyL64), Facebook, Pinterest and Ravelry (Namma119)! Email address is (w/o spaces) h lomax @ gmail (dot) com

  110. I follow bloglovin.com/heatherbaker

  111. Hi :) I follow you by email (just signed up) and Facebook. Thank you for the beautiful giveaway!!

    Purlescence on Ravelry

  112. I will follow you on Facebook, I just pressed the "like" button. Thank you your giveaway, it is very lovely yarn!
    My username on Rav: Jessehelen

  113. I follow your blog through OldReader.com. Probably Feedly too, but I read OldReader. SareBearKnits on rav

  114. Thank you for the giveaway. I follow you on Bloglovin' and Pinterest: Kathie Simpson Craig.

  115. I will follow on FB

    sherryglover1 on Ravelry

    1. Correction: I like on FB, am following your blog by e-mail.

  116. I follow you through FB, Thank you for the amazing giveaway! :)

  117. wow-I was just looking at your etsy shop the other day; what lovely things and what lovely yarn!
    misslillyknits on Rav

    I will follow via feedly

  118. Hello, I've just found your blog and am now following on Feedly. I shall certainly be knitting up a pair of two of your dickeys - ideal for wearing in wellies when dog walking in our very wet Welsh weather.

  119. Hi I just found you but am looking forward to following you on pinterest ans ravelry! I am managing on rav. Congrats and thanks for the giveaway! Lee(underscore)Gifford(at)hotmail(dot)com

  120. hi!
    i'm a relatively new follower to your blog. i'm following through facebook.
    thank you for such a lovely giveaway. those yarns all look lovely! and thank you for making it open to international knitters too!

    Pagecsa on Rav :)

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. Congrats! I don't do facebook, but I subscribe to your RSS feed.

    I'm KatieK on ravelry.

  123. Wish you a lot of inspiration :)
    Found you on Ravelry, now I read your blog and enjoy it very much!

  124. I found you on Ravelry and follow you on Bloglovin'. =) Your poncho made with kidsilk amore looks really nice and cozy. =) Thank you for the giveaway! All the yarns look great.
    I'm Berrycah on Ravelry. =)

  125. I found you on Revelry and follow on bloglovin. Thanks

  126. Have added you to my list of favorite designers on Ravelry, and am looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!

    I'm TheSexyKnitter on Rav, in case I get lucky enough to win!

  127. Wonderful giveaway! I follow by email.


  128. I follow by email & on Ravelry. I also read your blog.

    JKnits51 on Ravelry

  129. Glad I found you, I look forward to following you on Facebook and bloglovin

  130. I follow on bloglovin' sarastexturecraft on Rav too.
    Thank you for the giveaway!


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