Angora Haze Review and Giveaway - Knitionary

Angora Haze Review and Giveaway

July 15, 2013

Today is the official launch day for the new Autumn/Winter Rowan yarns and as usual with Rowan, there are gorgeous new yarns plus the old favorites in new colors along with beautiful pattern support.   As a Rowan Ambassador I'll be reviewing the new yarns and pattern books over the next few months, and I'll start by reviewing my favorite, Angora Haze.  Angora's fame is due to it's softness and yes it's soft as a kitty's paw, but it's more than that.  Think leading ladies of the 40s and the elegance, the glamor and the romance of wearing angora.  I cannot wait to have a sweater or two knit with this!  This winter will be my angora winter.  Sigh.  Really, I don't think I've been more happy about a yarn since I discovered Kidsilk Haze.

Angora is lightweight but very warm, one of the warmest knitting fibers, so light pieces or layering pieces are best.  Angora Haze knits into a fine fuzzy fabric with no bulk.  Angora comes from the Angora rabbit (the Angora goat produces mohair).   During their shedding season, the hair is combed off then spun.  Angora often gets a bad reputation for being too flyaway fuzzy while knitting, but sourcing high quality angora and a good twist will keep those fuzzies under control.  I can attest to that, I knit my entire swatch by touch in a dark movie house and had no fluff stick into my contacts or fly up my nose.

The fabric is simply gorgeous with a very relaxed and soft feel with even stitches nesting next to each other.  When knit, angora has a fuzzy halo similar to brushed mohair, but much finer.  Plain stockinette is beautiful, but delicate cables and lace will be magnificent as per the companion book.  Angora has little give when knitting and will shed somewhat, but if you can forgive angora these two intrinsic traits, and if you have never tried angora because of this, you'll be happy if you give this luxurious yarn a go.

Here's the details:  With US 3 needles, I got the recommended gauge of 28 stitches and 36 rows to 4 inches before and after wet blocking.  Angora Haze comes in 13 colors and has romantic names like Embrace, Cuddle, Tender. 150 yards per ball.  Hand wash. AH is 2 ply with 69% angora and 20% polyamide and 11% wool added for bounce and strength.

Giveaway:  I would love you to try Rowan Angora Haze, I think you'll be nuts over it too.  I have one skein in the pale green "Hug" to give away.  To enter the giveaway, please become a follower of Knitionary, either by email, Facebook, Bloglovin or any way you prefer, then leave a comment and you're in.

July 26, edited to add, winner is chosen and comments are closed.  Thank you to all who entered.

Angora Haze in Hug.

The Angora Haze pattern book, a collection of 14 designs by Martin Storey is the companion book to this yarn.  The patterns are named after famous movie vixens of the 40s and are as exquisite as their namesakes.  This is the time to dust off those tiny needles, brush up on your chart reading and create an heirloom.  Enjoy my favorites below!

Brigitte in Tender.

Eva in Kiss.

Audrey in Hug is calling my name!  Must make!

Lucille in Cuddle.

Rita in Embrace.  I plan to make this simple stockinette cardi in the bright pink Caress.

Thelma in Nest.

Here are the links!

Angora Haze Collection by Martin Storey

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  1. Lovely! I was planning on trying out this new yarn as I LOVE angora, but now it looks like I'll be getting the book too!

  2. It looks so pretty! I can't wait to see this yarn! Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. I love angora always makes me think of a little angora bolero I had as a child and would always want to wear it along with a favourite pair of patent leather shoes. Can't wait to knit audrey.

  4. Beautiful color. I'd love to have a Hug!

  5. Lovely! I like several of the patterns. Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. You must have so much fun with your ambassadorship! I haven't had anything made from angora since a boyfriend gifted me with a lovely, soft gray, hugely-cowled-neck sweater in the 70's. Perhaps it's time for something new?

  7. It looks SO squashy, I would love to have a ball to give it a go.
    Heather2009 on Ravelry

  8. From FB, Jill McFarlane Carrick has entered!

  9. Beautiful colour! I love all shades of green :) Please count me in :)

  10. Thank you for the lovely giveaway. I'm now receiving your posts by email.
    Patrix Portugal

  11. I have the perfect use for this little ball of heaven! Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  12. Beautiful sweaters. Makes my nose itch thinking of wearing them.


  13. Audrey is also my favorite and I am looking forward to viewing your version one day. At present I have been knitting a stockinette stole with an angora blend and am enjoying it very much. Everyone who sees it wants to touch it. Would love to try out Angora Haze! Chloe

  14. Like cotton candy! But, much better because you can knit with it! : )
    -Jennifer (gardenknittr on rav)

  15. Beautiful dreams of softness!
    Angora Haze.. it sounds so good to feel!

  16. Gorgeous yarn in beautiful colours. Thank you for the chance to win.

  17. I love this new book! The yarn I can't figure out yet (how thick is it, anyway?), and so Id like to get my hands on a bit of it :)
    Cheers, julie

  18. I think I follow you on all of the above...LOL. I would love an opportunity to try this yarn. Love ya!

  19. On FB, Cindy McFarland Michael has entered.

  20. Oh Wow! Love this yarn and Martin Storey's book is superb. pbubeck@sbcglobal.net

  21. who told you that this yarn was 'combed off the rabbits during the shedding season?!' what a load of rubbish! I think you will find that it was sheared off and the rabbit could well be dead for meat afterwards given the angora for the new rowan yarn comes from china where animals are just a commodity, fur is a big ( and very cruel) business but unfortunately animal welfare does not even exist. I am shocked at Rowan for being involved with chinese angora.

    1. Hi,
      Before you begin a smear campaign based on no factual information, I would like to provide you more information about how Rowan source Angora Haze. They have uploaded the following link to their website: http://www.knitrowan.com/sourcing-angora-haze.
      Where I'm sure there may be cruel methods of collecting Angora fibre, as you can see Rowan responsibly source theirs. As you would expect from an ethically sound company!

  22. ooo la la so soft! to look at... YES!

  23. Beautiful - looks so soft. rav id busymom077555

  24. So beautiful! I love the new patterns!

  25. Angora Haze - what an enticing name. Love the way it works up.

  26. BEAUTIFUL! SOFT! fingers crossed!

  27. I was moved to buy the latest Rowan magazine, No. 54, because my eye was caught by designs in the Romancing series (esp. "La Boheme" and "Silla"). Now it looks as though I have to get Martin Storey's Angora Haze pattern book (you see the similarities)!

  28. I love the Brigette sweater. I check the Rowan website daily just to drool over their beautiful pattens and yarn.

  29. One of winter goals is to knit with Rowan's Angora Haze. I am a relatively new knitter and always looking to broaden my horizons!

  30. Hope I am not too late. Would love to try this yarn..karenlambert@cox.net

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.


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