A Rosy Luncheon - Knitionary

A Rosy Luncheon

May 11, 2012

Hello again!
Mother's friends were passing though town for the afternoon, 
and instead of meeting them for lunch I invited them over.
A made-at-home lunch is so much nicer, don't you think?

When I think of making a table setting, I always start out with the centerpiece, 
and certainly that would have to be flowers at this time of year,
definitely ROSES right now!
These are a combination of my beloved David Austin roses in pinks,
Gertrude Jekyll, Abraham Darby, Eden, Scentimental and St. Cecelia.

The flower bowl is a large Reed and Barton Revere bowl.
I have a set of these, and this one has a plastic liner.
These were popular wedding gifts when I got married in 1973.
They are simple and elegant and still look beautiful.

After I cut the flowers and made the arrangement,
I had an idea of using the table in my living room for the lunch.

The table is a large round that is topped with a distressed
mercury glass top that I got from Ballards.


We most often use this table for appetizers when we're having company,
but today with just 4 ladies, I thought it would be fun to set the table for lunch.


 I used mother's Haviland, pattern Delaware,
creamy white china decorated with pink roses.

As a girl, this china was a favorite of mine.
I remember putting my finger on the tiny roses when I was little,
way more interested in the flowers than the actual food on the plate.

Mother gifted the set to me when she recently downsized.  
She collected it and used it at a time when a set of china
included everything!  There are 24 dinner plates and 12 of everything else,
including espresso cups and saucers and these beautiful cream soup plates with saucers.

I have to admit they are a bit formal for me, but I still love them madly.

Doesn't the setting look so pretty and lady like?
We had cream of asparagus soup and a veggie frittata, simple but elegant.

Flatware, Reed and Barton 18th C
Stemware, Lalique Langeais
Napkins, grandmother's linen
Tablecloth, Ballard
China, Haviland Delaware

My granddogs came to visit me for a day this week.
They like to help me in the garden, yep!

I didn't tell you Dexter has a new baby sister?

Please meet Miss Bella. 

She is adorable and likes to be cuddled very extremely much.

Happy news, I'll be in Maui next week visiting my girlfriend
who has the good sense to live in paradise.
Girls only!

See you in a week.

Linking up to Kristen's Creations

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  1. Oh, your table is so gorgeous! I would like to be there to in stead of out, I love to entairtain at home so much better too. The Delaware china is lovely, I so love pink flower dishes, the centerpiece is beautiful with such wonderful roses in the tone with the table. The menu sounds delish and the doggies are simply adorable! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

  2. That is the dreamiest ladies lunch table - that pink!! those roses!! So elegant, Kristen! How generous of your mother to gift that china to you, and how generous of you to share it with her friends (and with us!)
    Hope you have a marveous time with your friend - this is the one that makes you laugh so much, right? I remember a post when you visited her and you telling us how far back you two go and how much you enjoy her company. Blessings for a safe and happy trip!

  3. Thanks so much for the lovely luncheon and using the China. It is so beautiful even if you think it is a little formal it brings back many fond memories and am so glad you love to entertain and use all of your different dishes. Just beautiful.............

  4. Beautiful table setting--I really appreciate seeing the care you took to make this a memorable lunch with your friend. It reminded me of a "tea" my daughter and I attend. XOXO

  5. I love the cream soups! My mom has a thing for these and seems to spot them whenever we're at an antique mall. The pink flower china pattern is adorable. I'm glad that you share your entertaining talents with us. Your table settings and menus must make your guests feel it's a special occasion!
    Have a great trip with the girls, and happy Mother's Day to you!

  6. Beautiful table, love the loses in the silver.

  7. Yesterday I got to meet Bella and she is adorable and so cute to see she and Dexter playing with each other.......

  8. Thank you very much for such a beautiful post! I love your roses! The color scheme and touches of reflective surfaces of your setting were so delicate and refined!
    Belated Happy Mother's Day to you!

  9. Love your ideas! Stunning and I can see that you are really passionate on table decorating! This kind of post is always inspiring! Thanks for spreading this excellent table ideas! Thumbs up!

    Folding Chair Covers

  10. I agree - a homemade lunch is so much nicer and way more relaxing for those visiting. Your roses are beautiful as are your dishes and table! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  11. I TOTALLY think a made-at-home luncheon is nicer! It really shows a lot of thought and care! Your Mom and her friends had to be absolutely bowled over by this!!! Your china pattern is so pretty, and I just love, love, love, love, love, love, LOVE the cream soup bowls!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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