Book Club Lunch - Knitionary

Book Club Lunch

May 07, 2012

The first Monday of the month we have book club.  We meet downtown for lunch, catch up and talk about the book a little, actually very little talking about the book.   Mostly we are a social group.  We are 6 friends who love to read, love to eat together and love to travel together.  This book club has been going on for 27 years and we have know each other longer than that.  We've watched our kids grow up and now our grandchildren.  What a history we have!

I emailed the 4 girls this morning, 2 are out of town, 
and asked them to come to my house.  
Quick, I must have people over, while everything still looks great from my last party!

While there is still no weed in the garden.

While the windows are still sparkly and the flowers are still fresh!

Come over quick, the sparkle and the weed free garden will be gone in no time.

That's the thing about getting everything tidy,
it's back messy again in no time.

Might as well have some friends come over to enjoy it.
And really, I couldn't have a more appreciative guest list than
my dear book club friends!

For those of you that like to know what is on the table:

Portofino (discontinued pattern) porcelain and pewter plates from Arte Italica.
Placemats and napkins from Karen Lee Ballard.
Water and wine goblets are my aunt's, possibly Lenox?
Reed and Barton 18th C sterling flatware.
Napkin rings are mixed vintage sterling collected over the years.
Ceramic crackle glazed planter for the flowers is Smith and Hawkin from Target.

OK, so we do actually read.  We all read quite a lot.  Last month's book was Behind the Beautiful Forevers, I liked it much more than the other girls.  We rate each book from 1-5 and we ended up giving it a 3, but I think a 4 would have been better.  The book we choose for this month is Dancing to the Precipice.  I tried to talk them into the Hunger Games, but no interest.  Funny, because I just finished the 2nd one and love them and think they would like them too.

I served lunch, a simple salad dressed with lemon and olive oil, salt and pepper.  I roasted broccoli rabe, a red onion and a red bell pepper and added that.  I just can't think of anything nicer to do on a Monday afternoon than have lunch with the girls.

On my sidebar I decided to update my "What I'm Reading Now".   I have ignored that bit on my blog for years, but I usually have one or two books going on at once, usually reading one on my Kindle and listening to one on my iPod.   I will try to update it as I am reading.  Lots of readers out there, I know.

By the way, this is still a knitting blog.
Behind this gardener and entertainer
is a very dedicated knitter.  
I'll prove it to you in my next posts!

Until next time, zou bisou bisou!


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  1. Your pictures are always so breath taking that I have to say that I didn't even realize that there was no knitting content ;-)

  2. Beautiful table, Kristen! I always love it when you use your pewter.
    And how blessed are you to have such long-time dear friends near you.
    Thank you for sharing the pretty with us :)

  3. Thank you so very much for again sharing!! Just lovely, as was your baby shower!! I marvel at how much you accomplish!! And truly, you only have 24 hours a day like the rest of us, right? Your time management ability is as enviable as your lovely knitting, parties, and garden!!

  4. Thanks for visiting and thanks for the interesting comments about Truman's house for I feel the same way. I love your table and you're right if you entertain once you might as well again (and even again!) For when things are spiffy, take advantage! Love your table setting and I especially like the flowers. The lunch looked delicious!

  5. I love reading your blog! Thank you for sharing bits and pieces of your life, to add brightness to mine (and many others!). To piggyback on Anonymous' comment up above--what are your secrets to time management?

  6. I love how you have had so much fun with your group of friends! I have not read Hunger Games but Steve and I saw the movie recently. At first it seemed just like a shocking and condensed version of Survivor TV show. But then I began to wonder if our news and entertainment isn't in fact desensitizing us in a similar manner. Food for thought. PS love your table setting :)

  7. That header is beautiful! all your photos are gorgeous, but the fifth one with the yellow (roses?) and white lilies is stunning! Looks like you're keeping busy.

  8. Dear Kristen, This is a very long and srtong friendship between you and your friends.. 27 years just a whole life.. Amazing...
    I like your lunch and also dinner table designs so much. Expecially your plate sets and table runners.. You always decorate your table very soft colors with fresh flowers.. This is your style and I like your style so much. You are like a teacher for me..:)) Best best wishes...


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