I Got You, Sweater Babe - Knitionary

I Got You, Sweater Babe

March 21, 2010

Maybe many of you might be too young to know this signature song by Sonny and Cher. In 1964ish at a Teen Fair in Los Angeles,  when I would have been about 13 or so, my girlfriends and I were wandering around and stopped at one stage where a girl and guy were singing. We thought they sounded bad, but stayed on because there was something about her...something cool...so we lingered and listened.  Soon the two were sitting on a fence and chatting with some kids so we moseyed over and really, I had never seen anyone like her before. She was so exotic, so original, and looked really really trashy. After all, she ringed her eyes with black eyeliner and had skin toned Erase on her lips, but never mind, so did we. And she was also wearing skin tight pants, but oh yeah, so were we. And Squaw Boots, but of course we were wearing them too.

But her makeup was not gently applied like ours, but thickly spackled on.  Her pants were not in a floral print like our girly pants, her's were a black harlequin print (!!!).  And her Squaw Boots were not white like the good girls, they were BLACK. Only cheap girls wore black Squaw Boots. At least at my junior high school. Yep, trashy.

And hey, who was that old dude she was with?

We really hated her for making us feel so un-cool. We glowered at her. She glowered back. (She must have been all of 16, maybe 17) We glared at her through slitted eyes and made mental notes to grow our bangs out to lower-eyelash-length and spackle on our own Erase and eyeliner.  And where did she get those slutty pants? We definitely wanted to look just like her.

That's the one and only time I've seen Cher in concert, but I'd love to see her in Las Vegas! Surely this time around I wouldn't despise her originality but LOVE her for it!

Well, on to the knitting. Here is the Lush and Lacy by Sweater Babe using less than 6 skeins of Rowan Kid Classic (a wonderful yarn to knit and wear, it's a mainstay around here) in a Kim Hargreaves colorway, Plush, #867. It's fun and fast and easy (even the lace panel is easy), pretty good tags for a sweater! Raveled.

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  1. I love that story! I have always been a fan of Cher--I mean, really, the woman is a force of nature! I've never seen her in concert (except on tv), but I'd sure love to. We checked ticket prices in Vegas but decided $600 for two of us was perhaps a bit too extravagant. ;)

  2. I just clicked on Kindle cases to see what you were talking about. I'd LOVE to have one! I adore my Kindle and take it everywhere. If you'll email me at suzanne.vetalaw@gmail.com, I'll send you my snail mail address. :)

  3. I can tell you like this colour very much - your walls are Plush too!
    Love your Cher story...

  4. Awesome Cher story. I love how you described her outfit and her LOOK. How I wanted straight black hair - except I was torn between the Sonny and Cher show and Donny and Marie. Totally different people, but the same skits week after week, right?

    And the sweater's perfect.

  5. Loved the story of your Sonny and Cher concert experience! I hope you get to see her in Vegas too :)

    Great sweater and I also love Kid Classic yarn. Hoping her Spring book will have something that I *must* knit.

  6. i love that story of sonny and cher! so cute! i love the sweater as well- it looks so intricate and beautiful!
    i would love a kindle case (is there a pattern for them) you can email me at kaetrn@hotmail.com if you are still giving them away for my address, my kindle will be so well dressed then! :)

  7. The sweater is really beautiful - great color, great fit!
    Your Cher story is a crack up :)

  8. i got my kindle case!!!! thanks so much! i love the one you sent and it will make me smile everytime i see it!

  9. Looks soft and luscious! Congratulations on your great success with the lace. Now you are unstoppable!

  10. Love this, so feminine and perfect for spring!


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